Cosmetic Nose Surgery that Improved Breathing, Case 298

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Rhinoplasty before and after treatment in California

About This Patient

Female, Age 33

Case Details

Her nose started out with a prominent “S-like” curve, and the tip of her nose drooped downward, bringing attention to it. This curvature also made it hard to breathe!

Now, her nose is much straighter, and the tip and nostrils are smaller. She can breathe easily for the first time in years! She’s sleeping better and feeling better overall. Her face looks more balanced and refined, and her other features have stepped up to share the spotlight.

Brianna loves that her nose doesn’t look unnaturally “perfect.” She didn’t have to get used to seeing her “new self” in the mirror…she simply sees an “optimized” version of the face she’s always had! Her nose will continue to heal and change slightly from this point, but it already looks and feels amazing.

This case is very special to Drs. L&P. They love to give their devoted team members the chance to feel firsthand the joy of transformation they give every patient, every day.

Procedures Performed

Palo Alto
(650) 407-2922

Los Gatos
(408) 402-3220

Skin & Wellness
(650) 327-3232