Case 33

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Facelift Neck Lift before and after treatment in Los Gatos, California

About This Patient

Female, Age 47

Case Details

This 47-year-old San Francisco Bay Area woman decided to do something about the stubborn fullness under the chin, as well as her jawline and upper eyelids. She runs her own business and needed to return to work quickly. After her consultation at our Palo Alto office, she elected to proceed with a Lower Facelift and Neck Lift using an extended sub-SMAS technique, Liposuction Of The Neck, and Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty. Ten days after surgery, the patient was back to work wearing make-up to camouflage any residual signs of surgery. With the right technique, it is possible to achieve the best neck and jawline in any patient.

Procedures Performed

Palo Alto
(650) 407-2922

Los Gatos
(408) 402-3220

Skin & Wellness
(650) 327-3232